Help Create a Just Transition - Support 350VT in 2022!

Help Create a Just Transition - Support 350VT in 2022!

The climate crisis is here and now, and we are rising up to take collective action.

We are committed to centering justice in the work of transitioning off of fossil fuels and growing a just and climate-resilient Vermont.

We also have fantastic raffle prizes for you! Donations of $100 or more get a chance to win a gift basket of Sunsoil CBD products (1 entry per $100 donated), and donors of any amount are entered to win a gift card to Positive Pie. 

Thank you for making a donation to strengthen our movement!

PLEASE NOTE: To make a one-time donation, please click "One-Time" below (button is BLUE when selected),
or get a FREE Cultivate Resistance tote when you become a monthly sustainer!
You can also mail a check to: 179 S. Winooski Ave Suite 201, Burlington, VT 05401. Thank you!
$52,416.95 raised
GOAL: $40,000.00

1. Amount


2. Your information

Contributions are tax deductible.

3. Payment information
