Support Climate Justice in 2021 - 350Vermont

Support Climate Justice in 2021 - 350Vermont

Amid the overlapping crises of coronavirus, racial injustice, climate disruption, and a high-stakes presidential election, 2020 has been a long-overdue period of reckoning - reaffirming that our work is more important than ever!

Your gift provides essential support so we can keep offering workshops, events, resistance work and solutions like Rewild Vermont to help ensure a safe, thriving, and livable planet for all.

Thank you for making a donation to strengthen our climate justice work in 2021!

PLEASE NOTE: To make a one-time donation, please click "One-Time" below (button is BLUE when selected),
or get a FREE Cultivate Resistance tote when you become a monthly sustainer!
You can also mail a check to: 179 S. Winooski Ave Suite 201, Burlington, VT 05401. Thank you!
$38,362.00 raised
GOAL: $32,000.00

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Contributions are tax deductible.

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