Racial Justice/Climate Justice Workshop Donation

What does racial justice have to do with climate justice? What do we mean by intersectionality? This interactive workshop explores the foundations of these justice movements and how and why they are inextricably bound. Participants will have the opportunity to consider and reflect on their own experiences, listen to the experiences of others, and learn new language and concepts to help support a deepening investigation of climate and racial justice.

This is an introductory workshop that offers a series of starting points and questions, rather than a conclusive or summative approach to this content. 

Please give at least a deposit of $5 to hold your spot OR email [email protected].  If you're able to give more, we'd appreciate you pay between the sliding scale of $5-30 to help cover the costs of the training. 

You may also mail a check made out to "350Vermont" 179 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 201, Burlington, VT 05401 with "RJCJ" in the memo note. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Questions? Contact [email protected]. Thanks!

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Contributions are tax deductible.

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