Holly Near with Tammi Brown, Jan Martinelli, and Tory Trujillo

Holly Near

Update: the Holly Near concert is CANCELLED amid the coronavirus outbreak. Holly is hoping to reschedule for 2021!

With Tammi Brown, Jan Martinelli, and Tory Trujillo

Bennington College, The Vermont Arts Exchange, Queer Connect, and

Climate Advocates Bennington-350VT

will host Holly Near in
supporting 350VT
and Climate Advocates Bennington's reforestation initiative:
help us help the planet by joining the world-wide effort to plant 2 billion trees

Photo credit Steve Underhill

One of the most powerful singer/songwriters of our time, Holly’s life-long commitment to justice and song inspires, builds community, and brings joy to the soul. Bring your parents…bring your friends…bring your kids and grandkids.

A perfect holiday gift to bring hope and inspiration to the New Year.

Tickets on sale now!

Any payment over the general admission price of $25 per ticket is a tax-deductible donation to 350VT and Climate Advocates Bennington.

For more information on Holly Near, visit her website: www.hollynear.com

For more information about Climate Advocates Bennington-350VT, visit https://www.climateadvocatesbennington.org/

March 21, 2020 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Greenwall Auditorium
Bennington College
Bennington, VT 05201
United States
Google map and directions
If you'd like more information about this concert, contact Naomi Miller ·

Will you come?

$50.00 Sponsor—attend a pre-show meet-and-greet with Holly
$35.00 Generous
$25.00 General admission ($30 at the door)
$15.00 Student and low income