This August, five families from across Vermont will make an important trip to Dimock, PA, the epicenter of fracking in the Marcellus Shale, and the town prominently featured in the films Gasland and Gasland 2. As Vermonters continue to stand against the fracked gas pipeline in Addison County, this trip will invigorate our solidarity efforts. It will be an opportunity to see the effects of fracking first hand, to build friendships and solidarity with families on the frontlines, and to have our children experience both nature’s beauty and the suffering caused by extreme extraction of fossil fuels and extreme greed. As Joanna Macy implores us, we will look straight at the tough stuff, so that we are awakened to our own most creative selves, to respond to the climate crisis in a deeply meaningful and committed way. Energy Justice Network, a local organization, will be our host, as we meet with families and individuals who face polluted waters and seized land.
Please consider a donation to support our trip. 50% of the donations received will be donated to Energy Justice Network in PA.